Only a Tent Over Their HeadsWhat Tents Mean to PalestiniansPro-Israel groups have developed a new way to get their message out: putting up tents on college campuses around the country to talk about Israel. Tents went up around North America in September 2011 and are expected again on future dates. One organizer of the tent project calls it an “answer to the war against Israel’s legitimacy that is being waged around the world.” Hillel says the goal is to foster civil dialog. We designed these cards to enrich that dialog with facts and context that may otherwise be ignored – particularly since these organizations are often provided with extremely distorted pro-Israel materials to distribute. You can also use these fliers even in places where the “tent events” are not taking place – We have worded them in a way to make them useful everywhere.
Text on Reverse:What tents mean to Palestinians In 1947-49 at least 750,000 Palestinian men, women, and children were violently forced from their ancestral homes into exile. Many of these refugees lived in tents for years, waiting to return home. They are still waiting, in cinder block houses and crowded shanties. In 1967 Israel forced out another 200,000 Palestinians. More refugees, more tents. Today, these refugees and their families number 5 million, still waiting to return home – a right that belongs to all refugees regardless of race, nationality, religion, or ethnicity. In Dec 2008 - Jan 2009 Israel attacked tiny Gaza with its powerful military, killing 1,417 Palestinians and making 100,000 homeless. More tents. (13 Israelis died in the conflict.) Ever since, Israel has prevented building supplies, including cement, from entering Gaza. In 2014, Israel attacked again, this time leaving another 100,000 Palestinians homeless as entire neighborhoods were destroyed. (In this “war,” 4 Israelis became homeless.) In addition, Israel has ordered demolition of 48,743 Palestinian homes since 1967, resulting in more tents. The world repeatedly condemns Israel’s actions, but still they continue because most Americans don’t know the facts. So we allow our government to give Israel over $10 million per day of U.S. tax money – more than to any other country – fueling the violence. We must all join together to call for Israel to abide by international law and to end to its military aggression in the Holy Land. All children deserve to have a safe place they can really call home. |
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