If Americans Knew Billboards

Below are billboard designs we have used in a number of cities around the country.

To work with us to put up a billboard in your city, please contact us. To make a donation to help us put up more billboards in various cities, use this page.

Kids to college Billboard

This simple billboard design tells viewers about US daily aid to Israel (number updated to include additional weapons packages in 2015) and proposes an alternative use for that money.

$10 million billboard

This design tells viewers about US daily aid to Israel.

$10 million billboard

Same slogan as above but with visual of money going down the drain

$10 million plus Flint billboard

This slogan highlights how our tax money could be used at home

$10 million plus Flint billboard

Another Flint billboard

$8 million billboard

This design told viewers about US daily aid to Israel (number did not include additional weapons packages).

$8 million plus flag billboard

This design adds the American flag to the background

$8 million billboard

Alternative design

$8 million billboard

One of our first billboard designs

Digital Bethlehem Billboard

This billboard features Banksy's artwork depicting Jospeh and Mary being blocked from entering Bethlehem as a result of Israel's apartheid wall.

USS Liberty billboard

This billboard directs people to a website created by USS Liberty survivors.

Israel-Palestine Timeline

Israel-Palestine Timeline: The human cost of the conflict records photos and information for each person who has been killed in the ongoing violence.

History of the Israel Lobby

Alison Weir's book Against Our Better Judgement: How the U.S. was used to create Israel brings together meticulously sourced evidence to outline the largely unknown history of U.S.-Israel relations.

Buy it on Amazon, and visit the book website for reviews, more ordering options, and upcoming author events.


Information largely missing from U.S. news reports. Read the Blog

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