Siege of Al Ain Refugee Camp

LISTEN: Alison Weir on Flashpoints 9/19


SIEGE ENDS; 49 Palestinians abducted

By Alison Weir
If Americans Knew
September 19, 2007

A medic attends to an injured Palestinian
A medic, left, attends to an injured Palestinian, right, carried by another man during an Israeli army operation in the Al Ain refugee camp of the West Bank city of Nablus, Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2007. (AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed)

NABLUS – I’ve been outside the Ain camp in Nablus, where the Israeli military has people under siege. They shot a crippled man early this morning and then would not allow the ambulance in to treat him. He died -- he was a civilian, not part of the resistance. I talked to the ambulance driver; his hand is bandaged because they shot it when he was trying to treat people. A few boys and young men occasionally gather to try to throw stones and the Israelis send an armored jeep out to shoot at them. I’m back at An Najah now for a radio interview, but will go back to the camp later on. Apparently the soldiers inside are going house to house terrorizing people... some people came out, saying they didn't have any food.

It appears that there are 5 or 6 people who have been hurt; I don't think any are serious, but I could be wrong.

Additional Information

  1. Alison is available for interviews. She can be reached at 059 824 3771 or 054 797 2869
  2. ‘Israel Raids West Bank Refugee Camp,’ Al Jazeera
  3. ‘Palestinians who died following an infringement of the right to medical treatment,’ B’Tselem:
  4. ‘Israel: Cease Attacking Medical Personnel,’ Human Rights Watch


NABLUS – The Ain siege continues and now they're destroying homes -- at least one so far housing 10 families. The latest is that the IDF is allowing food in, but they're searching it and ruining it. I'm going back out now to see more. People inside the camp say that they still are not getting the medical care they need.

The IDF continues to round up men. One woman in the camp phoned to say that they took her husband (not a member of the resistance) in front of their children -- terrifying them. He was blindfolded and placed in handcuffs.

Today there was a nonviolnet march by the people. Quite quickly it drew fire and teargas from the military. I hurriedly retreated with everyone.

Israel-Palestine Timeline

Israel-Palestine Timeline: The human cost of the conflict records photos and information for each person who has been killed in the ongoing violence.

History of the Israel Lobby

Alison Weir's book Against Our Better Judgement: How the U.S. was used to create Israel brings together meticulously sourced evidence to outline the largely unknown history of U.S.-Israel relations.

Buy it on Amazon, and visit the book website for reviews, more ordering options, and upcoming author events.

Information largely missing from U.S. news reports. Read the Blog

The History of Terrorism
Videos & Multimedia

British TV Documentary – Dispatches: The Killing Zone

VIDEO: Palestinians Document Settler Violence

VIDEO: West Bank attack filmed

Video – Gaza: A humanitarian implosion

Video: Old Palestinian Man Describes Being Shot

Video – The Easiest Targets: The Israeli Policy of Strip Searching Women and Children

Audio Interview – Psychology of Suicide Bombings

Video – Soldiers Explode a Portion of a Palestinian Home, Killing the Mother

Video – Soldiers Force a Palestinian to Play Violin at Roadblock

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Additional Resources

Documentary – Jenin Jenin

Amnesty International – Shielded From Scrutiny: IDF Violations in Jenin and Nablus

Report – The Jenin Inquiry

The Gaza Strip: A humanitarian implosion

Back to a Routine of Torture – Torture and Ill-treatment of Palestinian Detainees during Arrest, Detention and Interrogation – September 2001 - April 2003

Amnesty International – Israeli Settlers Wage Campaign of Intimidation

Booklet – ‘No Exit’

Amnesty International – Under the Rubble


Public Committee Against Torture in Israel

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