O Little Town of Bethlehem

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Bethlehem has been under Israeli occupation since 1967. Since that time Bethlehem's inhabitants, both Christians and Muslims, have lived under a diverse array of oppressive Israeli actions:

  • Confiscation of Bethlehem land
  • Destruction of Bethlehem olive groves
  • Imprisonment by a wall being built by Israel on illegally confiscated Bethlehem land
  • Daily Israeli military raids, during which individuals are abducted and imprisoned in Israel. Many are never even charged with a crime.
  • During their nonviolent demonstrations against these activities, many are beaten and sometimes shot. These demonstrations frequently include Israeli peace activists and others from around the world.
  • In order to travel from Bethlehem people must pass through Israeli military checkpoints, where they risk humiliating and abusive treatment, including strip searches -- including of women and children.
  • Israel's wall and closures have caused a large number of Bethlehem businesses to fail and people are facing escalating economic difficulties.

Watch a documentary on Palestinians Christians made by a European filmmaker.

Below are some recent news reports from Bethlehem:

Israel-Palestine Timeline

Israel-Palestine Timeline: The human cost of the conflict records photos and information for each person who has been killed in the ongoing violence.

History of the Israel Lobby

Alison Weir's book Against Our Better Judgement: How the U.S. was used to create Israel brings together meticulously sourced evidence to outline the largely unknown history of U.S.-Israel relations.

Buy it on Amazon, and visit the book website for reviews, more ordering options, and upcoming author events.


Information largely missing from U.S. news reports. Read the Blog

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Additional Resources

Human Rights Watch – Second Class: Discrimination Against Palestinian Arab Children in Israel’s Schools

Jews for Justice – The Arab Citizens of Israel

Amnesty International – Torn Apart: Families Split by Discriminatory Policies

Amnesty International – Law Quashes the Right of Israeli Arab Citizens to Family Life

Electronic Intifada – Prison Experience as a Normal Part of Life


Association for Civil Rights in Israel

Seeds of Peace

Mossawa Center: The Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens of Israel

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