In the interview Weir said:
In terms of the British responsibility especially regarding the Balfour Declaration, there’s a very, very important back story to this that is probably one of the most covered up aspects of this very covered up issue.
This came out in an article by Professor William Rubenstein, a very well regarded Jewish British historian: a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and former president of the Jewish Historical Society of England.
Rubinstein wrote that the true author of the Balfour Declaration was not Mr. Balfour. It was actually a man name Leopold Amery who was in fact a Zionist and a British man of Jewish background.
In his article, The Secret of Leopold Amery, published in History Today, Rubinstein called this "the most remarkable example of concealment in 20th century British history."
Amery not only wrote the Balfour Declaration, he later took credit for it... there’s a quote in which he says, "I seem to have had my finger in the pie not only of the Balfour Declaration but of the genesis of the present Israeli army."
See full broadcast below:
Prof. Rubinstein's article: The Secret of Leopold Amery
Additional Resources:
The Palgrave Dictionary of Anglo-Jewish History, edited by William D. Rubinstein, Michael Jolles, Hilary L. Rubinstein
Jerusalem Post, 01-12-1999, by Douglas Davis and J Weekly (San Francisco), 01-15-1999: Balfour Declaration author was a secret Jew, says prof
Jewish Virtual Library: Secret Jew Drafted Balfour Declaration
For more on Zionist efforts to push the US to enter WWI: History of the US-Israel Relationship, Part I