Effectively Tabling or Distributing Materials

It only takes a few people to set up a table about Palestine-Israel on campuses, at Farmer’s Markets, outdoor parks, at conferences and events, peace rallies, etc.

If you don’t have enough people or time to organize a table, just handing out informational, fact-filled flyers that include our website, www.ifamericansknew.org, can be extremely valuable. This requires only one or two people and is very effective.

  1. Choose a location with lots of foot traffic.
  2. Set up a table with informative materials (we can provide these at-cost) and a sign-up list for people interested in becoming involved with your organization:
  3. Offer all of these for free! We find that is the only way to reach people new to the issue. (If you can't afford the cost of the materials yourself, you may be able to find someone in your community who would happily cover the printing and shipping costs. Otherwise, contact us and we'll send you materials at a reduced cost or free.)

    You may wish to place a can in the middle of your table with a sign saying something like: “All of our materials are free – please help yourself! (Donations help us print more materials, but are NOT required!).”

    Verbally, you can reiterate that these really are free – that you want people to read them!
  4. The display can be as simple or as elaborate as you have time for. Sometimes we have purchased small plastic pamphlet holders, etc. at places like Office Depot that work well. Also, you can even consider having a DVD player or computer playing a DVD, if you have someone to monitor this and if your table is in an appropriate location for this type of thing.
  5. How to handle questions (and worse) from antagonists:
    • If Israel partisans or other unfriendly passersby attempt to harass you with offensive remarks or questions, remain polite. While people who have grown up with Zionist ideology may be difficult to reach with the facts, other students listening to the exchange will be reached when you remain civil and knowledgeable.
    • Often, rather than debating, you can simply say: “The answers to your questions are in this booklet and on the website” – and hand them a booklet or two – also hand them to people listening. Remember, you don’t have to have answers to everything off the top of your head. In fact, people who disagree with you may try to throw you off with questions that are based on false premises or statements of “fact” that are inaccurate or misleading. You don’t have to get caught in a never-ending, fruitless debate designed to waste your time. Still, be polite.
    • For example, one common question is something along the lines of “Why won’t Palestinians or Hamas, etc. recognize Israel’s right to exist?” This is addressed extremely well by an article that was published in the respected newspaper, the Christian Science Monitor and we have formatted into a one-page brochure you can distribute.
    • If individuals insist on debating, you can then say: “We would be happy to have a fair, public, moderated debate. Let’s choose a place and time.” (Bring in outside speakers for this if you like.)
    • Israel partisans often tend to pose simplistic, incorrect questions, and then badger people with: “Answer – Yes or No!” Your response can be something like:
    • “This is an important topic that deserves far more than a simplistic, inappropriate, yes-or-no answer. Here is the information (in a booklet). We also invite you to come to our upcoming event, where this and much more will be addressed in detail.” Then hand everyone listening a flyer about it.
    • If anyone goes beyond appropriate speech and behavior (e.g. uses obscenities/threatening actions, etc.) or just continues to bother you, have a cell phone handy and calmly tell them, “I’m going to have to call security if you don’t stop harassing me.” This is usually more than enough. If it is not, phone the campus (or city, as appropriate) police (which should already be programmed into your phone).
  6. Hand out cards and fact sheets everywhere! You can put these on bulletin boards, in cafes, hand them out as people walk past, give them to people standing in line to get into events, etc.
Israel-Palestine Timeline

Israel-Palestine Timeline: The human cost of the conflict records photos and information for each person who has been killed in the ongoing violence.

History of the Israel Lobby

Alison Weir's book Against Our Better Judgement: How the U.S. was used to create Israel brings together meticulously sourced evidence to outline the largely unknown history of U.S.-Israel relations.

Buy it on Amazon, and visit the book website for reviews, more ordering options, and upcoming author events.


Information largely missing from U.S. news reports. Read the Blog

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