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The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the world's major sources of instability. Americans are directly connected to this conflict, and increasingly imperiled by its devastation.

It is the goal of If Americans Knew to provide full and accurate information on this critical issue, and on our power – and duty – to bring a resolution.

Please click on any statistic for the source and more information.

Daily U.S. Aid to Israel and the Palestinians

On April 24, 2024, legislation was signed into law giving $10.7 million per day in military aid to Israel and $0.73 million per day in foreign aid to the Palestinians. (For information on expenditures on behalf of both populations, go here.)

Israelis and Palestinians Killed
September 29, 2000 - Present

Israelis and Palestinians Killed
by Rocket Attacks and Airstrikes, Sept. 2000 - Present

30 Israelis were killed in Palestinian rocket attacks and over 4,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli airstrikes since September 29, 2000.

Current Number of Political Prisoners and Detainees

0 Israelis are being held prisoner by Palestinians, while 4,800 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel.

Rate of US News Reporting
on Deaths Among Both Populations

A 2018 study of the Associated Press found that Israeli deaths were reported on at a rate of nearly four times greater than on Palestinian deaths. Earlier studies found similar or even larger distortion.

Current Illegal Settlements on the Other’s Land

Israel currently has 261 Jewish-only settlements and ‘outposts’ built on confiscated Palestinian land. Palestinians do not have any settlements on Israeli land.

WATCH: Israel Palestine Basics

Land Confiscation

The state of Israel, established in 1948 by its founding war, has appropriated approximately 91 percent of the land in what originally was called Palestine.

The growing panic about antisemitism isn’t a reflection of reality – The Forward

The most obvious explanation for the current “antisemitism” is not a grand meta-narrative of American or European history, but rage at an ongoing war in which Israel’s conduct has received widespread international condemnation... Read more

WATCH: Israel-Palestine: Essential facts on history, context, media (lecture by Alison Weir)
To learn who promoted the disastrous Iraq War see this.
WATCH: What was happening in Gaza BEFORE the Hamas attack that the media didn't tell you?
  • For information on the massive weekly non-violent demonstrations in Gaza [2018-2019], see here.
Essential facts about the Hamas-Gaza-Israel war

The current situation in Gaza and Israel did not come out of the blue. Read critical background left out of breaking news alerts…

Read more

Will the Israel Lobby Cause America’s Downfall?

In full view of the world, the US is facilitating “some of the worst crimes of our age,” an action that could ultimately cause America’s downfall… Why is this happening and what can be done about it?

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Damage to the US
WATCH: Philip Girladi - Is Israel a U.S. ally?
WATCH: 20 Million Per Day on Behalf of Israel: The Facts

Details about the spending bill here.

WATCH: Israel Uses Its Military Tech Industry to Spy on Americans
WATCH: Justice For Liberty 30 Second Trailer

To see the full film, visit
Lots more USS Liberty info here.

WATCH: Israel-Palestine - Essential facts on history, context, media (lecture by Alison Weir)

US Interests
Israel Lobby
Detailed History
US Policy
USS Liberty
War on Iran?
2014 National Summit
Obama Administration
More Resources

Emergency Gaza Outreach
Stripped, Beaten, and Blindfolded: ongoing violence and abuse of Palestinian children detained by Israeli military

Save The Children's report on Israel's widespread abuse of Palestinian children. Each year, 500-700 face prosecution in a military court system that lacks basic safeguards for a fair trial…

Read more

What's Happening Now

For up to the moment news from the region, go here.

For the latest news and analysis from diverse sources, go to Israel Palestine News.

WATCH: Palestinian and Israeli children killed in 2021

After watching the video above, please use our action form to ask your congress members to watch as well.

International campaign is criminalizing criticism of Israel as ‘antisemitism’

For two decades, some Israeli officials and Israel partisans have worked to embed a new, Israel-focused definition of antisemitism in institutions around the world, from international bodies and national governments to small college campuses in heartland America. This effort is now snowballing rapidly....

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WATCH: Palestinian Rockets - The Hidden Facts
Facts About Gaza

Fact sheet containing stats and context about life in the Gaza Strip (available for download or order)…

Read more

Support Our Work

Please give whatever you can to support our ongoing efforts to raise awareness and put an end to the attrocities of the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

Associated Press misreports news about Gaza rocket into Israel

AP claims a Gazan rocket broke a weeks-long “cross border calm,” even though Israeli forces had fired missiles into Gaza, shot at Gazans, and invaded Gaza numerous times...

Read the article

Against Our Better Judgment

Order Against Our Better Judgment by Alison Weir on (Paperback: $9.93, Kindle: $6.95).

To invite Alison to give a presentation in your city, please contact us.

Israel-Palestine Timeline

Israel-Palestine Timeline: The human cost of the conflict records photos and information for each person who has been killed in the ongoing violence.

Interview with Alison Weir

In this short clip Alison talks about how she came to be aware of the Israel/Palestine conflict, America's role in it all, and about our ability and responsibility as U.S. citizens, to put an end to Israeli aggressions in the region. Full interview here

Will YouTube again censor our video about censorship?

In 2018 If Americans Knew made a 15 minute video exposing Israel’s projects to censor the Internet. YouTube removed our video. We tried again. This time YouTube restricted it. Now we’re trying yet again. Watch it now

Latest Articles from Israel-Palestine News

The long walk home to northern Gaza

Amid Gaza's destruction, I walked alongside displaced families returning home, observing their suffering, profound loss, and indomitable strength - Ahmed Abu Artema Read more

Released From Detention, Owners of East Jerusalem Bookstore Still Don’t Know Why They Were Arrested

Ahmed and Mahmoud Muna were held in detention for two nights in harsh conditions, after police raided their bookshop and confiscated books they claimed 'incited violence.' The brothers were questioned just once for 15 minutes. 'We challenge the... Read more

Counting the Victims of Israel’s War on Gaza Is Low on Media’s Priority List

Israel’s assault on Gaza has been the first genocide live-streamed for the world to see. What more pressing task could journalists have than to accurately report on a genocide? Yet Western media often unnecessarily cast doubt on Gaza's death toll. Read more

Israeli forces kill 9 Palestinians in West Bank, 2 in Gaza – Ceasefire Day 25

Prisoner exchange expected Saturday; Israeli forces kill at least 9 Palestinians in Tulkarem, West Bank; record number of new illegal Israeli settlements, outposts in West Bank; 145 Dems demand Trump retract Gaza comments; Pope Francis, 350 rabbis... Read more

Hamas successfully pressures Israel to allow more aid into Gaza – Ceasefire Day 24

Israeli leaders have their hearts set on resuming war, but Hamas keeps ceasefire going for now; West Bank in turmoil; Educational Bookshop update; Jordan, South Africa stand firm with Palestine Read more

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